QRSS is the original, classic slow-speed mode. Regular CW is sent a very slow speed (typically 3-12 seconds per dit).
![QRSS Example](images/QRSSExample.png)
In DFCW, the carrier is constantly on and the frequency of the carrier is shifted up a few Hertz to indicate Morse Code elements.
![DFCW Example](images/DFCWExample.png)
Sequential Multi-Tone Hellschreiber
Sequential Multi-Tone Hellschreiber (abbreviated S/MT Hell) “paints” characters on the receiving station’s waterfall display. In OpenBeacon, this is done by sweeping the tuning of the oscillator from high to low, and turning on the transmitter every time a “pixel” needs to be displayed.
![S/MT Hell Example](images/HellExample.png)
Glyphcode (a name which I have given as I have not seen a consensus name for this type of transmission) is an offshoot of S/MT Hell. Instead of painting characters, two different symbols are transmitted: one for a Morse Code dah and one for a Morse Code dit. The characters can be customized to your liking. The default glyphs are a visual representation of a dit and dah, although you will often see oppositely-pointing triangles used on the bands.
![Glyphcode Example](images/GlyphCodeExample.png)